
They Are NOT Astroturfing, Serial Protesters

I saw a survey in a recent Time Magazine (8-10-09 page 26) that asked about how people feel about their current health care plans.

The most shocking statistic that I saw was that 86% of the people in this survey "Are Satisfied With Their Current Health Care Plan".

86% in polling is a whopper of a statistic. I'll bet that less than 86% of people agree that Tiger Woods is a good golfer, Michael Jackson was a good dancer, Megan Fox is hot or know who the past three Presidents of the USA were.

How could the Obama/Democrat controlled Federal Government think that changing a plan that 86% of people are satisfied with was going to be easy?

While I was living on the North Shore of Oahu, I first heard about "Serial Protesters" from a blogger that I followed. Serial Protesters referred to a group of people who seemed to be at every left wing demonstration. It was as if the events were part of their social calendar or how they added to their weekend income. Global warming, Hawaiian rights, any pro Union event, no development/pro development, gay marriage, no Bush, Yes We Can, you name it. The protesters showed up in air conditioned buses with professionally made signs, trailed by previously alerted media, state of the art audio systems, choreographed marches & chants and catered meals after the scheduled protest ended. There was no doubt that these people knew the drill.

The protesters I am seeing at Town Hall meetings across the county are very angry, white, middle/old aged, moderate income, never protested in their life, amateur agitators. The Democrat leadership is calling these citizens "astro turfing, tea bagging, brown shirted, Nazi, stooges of the insurance companies, blind followers of radio programs".

The Democrats are ignoring the obvious at their own peril. 86% of the people are satisfied with a program that the Democrats want to blow up. It really is almost impossible to change that many people's opinions.

I think older, white, rural, middle income people who are 86% (possibly higher for this group) satisfied with their health coverage are not being loaded on to buses, going to Town Hall meetings, foisting ill prepared signs, screaming until they get dragged off by the local police all because their INSURANCE COMPANIES ARE MAKING THEM DO IT.

These protesters are real grass roots people with fear that the same people who run the Post Office/DMV/CashForClunkers might decide about their health care.

To listen to the Democrats, the peeved people are being bussed in, paid, fed, given signs, taught songs & marching skills by the AFLAC duck.


Anonymous said...

I believe that the stat 86%, is the percentage of people who actually HAVE insurance. The remaining percentage, 16%, equals the 50 million figure that is used in the press for those who are without healthcare. Sure, those who have healthcare are grateful to have it - now ask those who don't. Read behind the numbers, Mr. Dee.

Anonymous said...

And don't forget to pack your assault rifle on the way to the town hall meeting, Mr. Dee...

John Micheal Dee said...

In response to the statistics question, I'll try and scan and post the original graphic from Time. I could not find what was in the print magazine on line, but I'll try again as well.

BTW, the bogus 50 million claim is for the alleged number of people who have no Health insurance not no health care.

Anyone who shows up at an emergency room gets treated, it is an old law.

What is causing problems in many poorer or high illegal immigrant areas is that these people who can not pay are overwhelming the emergency rooms because they can get health care there.

John Micheal Dee said...

I found the link to the page that contains the details of the Time poll.


Another interesting thing was that 89% of the people said they were currently covered by any form of health insurance or health-care plan.

Who is lying, the people who took the poll or Obama saying that 47 million people in the USA have no health insurance? Do the math.