
My Son Johnny Started Playing Pop Warner Football

Johnny is 9.

I was 8 when I started playing Pee Wee Football in Staten Island.

So he is one year behind the time when I started. He is playing with 7, 8 and 9 year old boys who weigh under 90 pounds.

Some strange coincidences.
  • He is playing Right Guard on offense, the same position I played.
  • He is playing front one left of center on the kick off return team. It is the position I played. I can't remember which game it was, but I was up front, the ball came to me on the opening kickoff, I caught it and ran for a touchdown. My parents and brother were just getting to the game and my Dad thought I was going to fall down while I was running. I made it. When I watch Johnny now, I laugh often because he's trying really hard, but his grasp of the details of playing football has some gaps. For example, he's been in the right place when he was running his offensive plays, pulling, trapping and driving straight ahead perfectly on every play. But, in his first scrimmage, he was in the right place, at the right time but he never blocked anybody. He missed that part of the instructions. He'll get there.
  • Johnny's number is 36, this was a totally random event, no requests, no position numbers etc.
  • My number in my first year was 18 - 1/2 of Johnny's number or in other words, Johnny's number is 2x mine the first year I played.

Cool. Maybe he'll be twice as good as me.